The Co-op Insurance ad that made me see red

Twelve hours after publishing the story of an elderly couple’s battle to get their indoor bathroom back in usable order, this Co-op Insurance ad hit me between the eyes

Insure with the Co-op? This was the ad I saw in my breakfast newspaper twelve hours after my tale of tribulation was published

IT WAS, IN THE FAMOUSLY MANGLED WORDS of notorious  baseball super-coach Yogi Berra, ‘like deja vu all over again’!

Less than twelve hours after I published a column chronicling the problems a local elderly couple were having getting help from their insurers to fix their broken bathroom there it was, covering a half-page of my breakfast copy of The Guardian: an ad urging readers ‘It’s time to switch to Co-op Insurance’!

Yet at 7pm the previous evening a spokesperson for Co-op Insurance had admitted that the building company they employed to find and fix a leak in the bathroom of Jean and Bernie Eisenhauer’s modest cottage near Branxton, Northumberland, had suspended operations due to a shortage of raw materials (they blamed the pandemic!) and a backlog of jobs (pandemic again?).

If you haven’t already done so, please read both sides of the story by CLICKING HERE and see if you agree with me. . .

It is hard to understand why an insurance firm which is having trouble keeping pace with the needs of the customers it already has in the face of shortages and jobs backlogs should feel the need AT THIS PRECISE TIME to go looking for more business.

I shall be communicating my views to them via their Twitter address: @coopukinsurance

Perhaps you would care to do the same, mentioning the Eisenhauers



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