Another sleepless night for me: is it Trump’s fault or my prostate?

Trump for Prez? It all started as a joke!

FOR some years now I have woken up several times in the middle of the night. I’m a man approaching his late sixties so there’s nothing unusual about that (for the unaware, it’s a prostate thing). No matter. With rare exception I have always been able to easily slip back to sleep.

Until recently. Until Donald Trump. Donald Trump is robbing me of a good night’s sleep. Even as he jets home each night to sleep in his own bed atop Trump Tower I lie awake in the middle of the night, too hepped up by the prospect of his becoming president to drift off into more rem cycles. This cold N, for example, was written at 5:20 am after I already failed over the prev ious 60 minutes to fall back to sleep.

This is no joke. It is not funny. As my wife slumbers on next to me I lie awake wondering how any rational human being can seriously vote for such an ill-prepared candidate to be president of the United States.

Has our electorate really become so gullible, so naive, so uninformed, so disillusioned, so angry that they dismiss his appeal to bigotry, racism, xenophobia, misogyny that they don’t see his divisiveness, his arrogance, his inability to tell the truth, his attacks on opponents for the very actions he perpetrates? Do they (and for the sake of the country, if not the world, I hope they don’t) share his worst traits?

I didn't look upon Hillary's pneumonia as a weakness, writes VoTN contributor FIONA WINGETT. it struck me that she's a tough old bird who kept going when lesser mortals would have gone home and pulled up the drawbridge. She should be commended for carrying on, not seen as weak. I've had pneumonia, twice, and it knocks you for six.
I didn’t look upon Hillary’s pneumonia as a weakness, writes VoTN contributor FIONA WINGETT. it struck me that she’s a tough old bird who kept going when lesser mortals would have gone home and pulled up the drawbridge. She should be commended for carrying on, not seen as weak. I’ve had pneumonia, twice, and it knocks you for six.

Okay, I get it. Hillary Clinton is not an ideal alternative. But she has devoted almost her entire adult life to public service while Trump has devoted his to self-enrichment, often at the expense of people he has bilked out of deserved compensation or personal savings.

I can’t fall back to sleep. How many others are similarly afflicted? Is Donald Trump turning half the country into a nation of sleep-deprived zombies? I once read resting is just as recuperative as sleeping. No way!

It’s 5:57. Almost time for the alarm to wake me up. But I’m not asleep. I’m not sure I can take another seven weeks of this, much less four or, heaven forbid, eight years.

Donald Trump is the reason I am sleep deprived.

Is the prospect of The Donald winning the presidency keeping YOU awake at night? Or is he your sweet dream? Leave your comment below


  1. I assume you live in America as you are so worried about Trump.

    Personally, I am pleased that the electorate in either this country, the USA, Germany or elsewhere, are just telling the “elected” how fed up they are about politics in general.

    If you have to blame Donald Trump for your insomnia, I think you need help! I sleep very badly but even I could never blame a politician for that!


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