Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Tag: NCC

It isn’t the pooches to blame for the poo but the...

THERE ARE NO MESSY DOGS, only idiot owners. They’re so thick and thoughtless they win my ‘Imbeciles of the Year’ award, even beating the...

The silence from Northumberland County Hall deadens democracy

WE HAVE BEEN uncharacteristically silent of late on the subject of Northumberland County Council’s Absentee Councillor, Roderick Lawrie. You might have wondered why. After all, The...

Riddle of Roderick Lawrie (Part 3)

REMEMBER THIS EXCLUSIVE STORY? Almost three months ago we published an interview with a Conservative county councillor who said EU regulations affecting his snuff...


EXILED’ NORTHUMBERLAND COUNCILLOR Roderick Lawrie has admitted to The Clarion that he will resign his Norham and Islandshires council seat. “I have no other...