EXCLUSIVE: Berwick’s pro-Brexit MP bossing Boris’s Tory leadership bid


ANNE-MARIE TREVELYAN, the pro-Brexit MP for Berwick-on-Tweed, is managing Boris Johnson’s campaign to take over as Tory leader and Prime Minister in succession to Theresa May.

Ms Trevelyan won the Berwick seat in 2015 following the retirement of long-standing Liberal Democrat MP Sir Alan Beith and the post-Coalition collapse of the LibDem vote. She increased her majority in the 2017 General Election.

Friends, allies and political opponents have been insisting that Ms Trevelyan is a key player in Johnson’s so-far-unofficial campaign and in an exclusive interview with The Clarion she confirmed: “Yes, I am indeed part of his core campaign team.”

The list of potential candidates is long; former Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab, Health Secretary Matt Hancock, Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liz Truss and the former and present Works and Pensions Secretaries, Esther McVey and Amber Rudd, head the list.

So what made the public school-educated chartered accountant choose Boris the ‘blonde bombshell’?

“I believe he has the reach across all communities of the country, is committed to delivering a real Brexit and is a liberal conservative in a similar political mould to my own,” she replied.

But isn’t he just an Old Etonian with no regard for anything north of Watford?

 The Etonian criticism often lazily thrown at him shows a profound lack of understanding of the man. He has a brilliant and incisive mind as well as that rare leadership gift which we need in our next leader.

What particular skills, apart from humour and bonhomie, would her candidate bring to the role of Prime Minister?

“Both in bringing together the factions created by Brexit and driving forwards an ambitious, confident agenda which delivers for all our communities, I think his skill in putting great people into the right roles – letting a thousand flowers bloom – means we would have an energetic, outward-looking leader who believes in the UK on the global stage in a strong economy as well as effecting changes to policy which are allowing communities to be left behind.”

Ms Trevelyan is already a go-to spokesperson for political reporters seeking comment from the Conservative pro-Brexit Right and success with the Boris campaign will almost certainly push her further into the spotlight and, possibly, towards a Cabinet job.

The mother of two teenage children, who said in 2017 that were her son of voting age he might not have voted for her, has already tasted minor ministerial office, having resigned last year from her post as a Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Defence Secretary over Theresa May’s draft EU withdrawal agreement.

She is also a member of the Conservative European Research Group, the primary Eurosceptic lobbying group within Parliament which is currently chaired by Jacob Rees-Mogg.



  1. I fear our MP has made a serious error of judgement. Boris’ track record, both personally and politically is far from impeccable; Garden Bridge (let a thousand pot plants bloom), Boris buses, Boris Island (love island perhaps?), Iran prisoner gaffe … the list is probably endless. I suppose he is liked by the media for his ability to generate copy … what has he ever done for us … what will he do for us? it seems that nothing succeeds in British politics these days as much as failure.

  2. Just confirms my thoughts about our MP.
    Completely out of touch with her electorate,and appears to be an old Conservative, sucking up to the so called upper class and due to this has no relationship with the man on the street.
    The sooner the next election comes round the better!

  3. Anne-Marie likes the British way of life. Anne-Marie likes pubs. Anne-Marie believes in a stand-alone Britain.
    She gets my vote.
    I’m not so keen on Boris though.
    Shame that HE is not supporting HER for the big job.

  4. Sorry, I would not elect Boris to run a Whelk stall. And the fact that, at the moment, Boris is the front runner to replace Theresa May speaks volumes for where the Conservative Party is. Since the “Halcyon Days” of Margaret Thatcher we have had the slow and gradual dismembering of ” the State” and virtually everything being hived off to Private Enterprise; the blind belief that the Market knows best. End result, a country impoverished in so many ways. Some commentators speak about the possible/probable demise of the Conservative Party; after many years of supporting them I think that might be no bad thing. I think the Two Party/First Past the Post system of democracy is no longer “Fit for Purpose” here in the United Kingdom. Big question:– how long will we remain United ????


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